Thursday, May 19, 2011


I have failed to update the blog for so long! Okay, well our lives are so hectic and crazy right now! We are both taking 15 credits this semester and on top of the Eric works three days a week, so I don't get to see him as much as I'd like to :( Eric is in the Accounting Society on campus, actually he is the head of the Advertising Committee and he does such a great job with it. Eric is loving his classes but they are very time consuming, most nights he is up until 2am just doing a homework assignment. I am so proud of him and grateful that he is such a hard worker. I am doing mostly online classes (except one which is on campus) and let me tell you-online classes are much more difficult then being on campus; it is very hard to try and get ahead to be prepared for Mason's arrival when there are 20 plus items due every single week. Mason is seeming to grow very well and he still remains very active-which to my demise means by rib cage is just his jungle gym and I feel like the bruises on my ribs will never go away. I might be getting induced (because of finals being so close to Mason's due date) the doctor said that would not be a problem, but we would talk about it as it gets closer-hopefully this Friday!!!! Currently Eric and I are watching my mother in laws is very different. We thought the dog would be very calm and relaxed (because she is like that at mom's house) but oh no she has showed a different side to her completely! She runs around all the time, barking at nothing, peeing/pooping on our carpet, and waking up at 4am! She seems to be getting better though and I think we might have trained her a little better, because she lets us know when she has to go outside to do "her business".  Well, that is pretty much our lives right now: always busy, stressed, trying to get ready for Mason, and stressed :) but we are loving life and so happy that it is starting to warm up!!!

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