Friday, November 26, 2010

Arizona...what mixed emotions

Well this has been our second time we have visited Arizona in the past few weeks. We went to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. The day before thanksgiving however my grandma passed away. She had been struggling with cancer for about five years now. It was extremely sad, and yet spiritual at the same time, because we know that she is in a better place, but then at the same time someone who I would consider to be one of the best people to grace this earth had to suffer and die (which is so sad because she was the last to deserve such an awful disease.) Anyways, we press forward and keep our chins up. The funeral will be held this coming Monday.
As for the rest of the trip it has been wonderful. Perfect weather, wonderful food, and Eric's bravery during black Friday shopping to get us our first TV! Which is such a funny story: He basically stood in line for four hours in front of Target just waiting in the cold. Then when the doors opened he took off running to find this TV (which was one of ten!). He jumped over shopping carts, and endured crude commentary from other shoppers =) whata  guy!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great man you have. -- I am so glad you are going to be coming tomorrow. It will be so nice to have family come for a visit.

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. You two are so blessed to be able to go to AZ to be with her.
