Monday, May 7, 2012

Chalazion Removal

So, I had this bump in my eye for two years. It would not go away no matter what I did! I tried everything: washing the inside creases of my eyes with baby shampoo every night, warm compresses, massages...nope nothing. So I finally decided to get it removed. Upon consultation before the surgery/procedure (what every you what to call it); Dr. Fulmer said it looked more like scar tissue and maybe some fluid to drain. I had to the option to get some of the scar tissue removed along with drainage, and then I had the option to leave I said get that thing outta there!!!!

I had several different ointments in my eye to numb it, and then a shot was give to numb it even more. My eye was very swollen because of that. The proceeded with the surgery, and after it all the cauterized part of it help the bleeding. After it was all aid and done they gave me an ointment to help prevent infection, and Eric went and bought me some ice cream! Have to give a shout out to my brother in law, Curtis, who watched Mason so Eric could go with me-thanks Curt!

The doctor said I will probably still have a bump-much smaller to where it will probably not be visible, but there was a lot of scar tissue so that is hard to get rid of.
My eye right after. It looks much worse than it is. Excuse the eyebrows-I need to get them waxed!
The ointment I have to use three times a day!

This is a video of what the surgery was like!

Much love, 
Eric, Mason, and Amanda

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